Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's muffin time!

I woke up to the workers drilling outside my window. I turned over in hate and was ready for murder. However, they stopped right after I put the pillow over my head. The rain saved me. It started pouring down. I love listening to the rain. It's just something magical about it. Since I've already had my exam in Law there was no point in showing up for class. So the teacher told us not to come in. I can't complain at all. More sleep before dragging my ass out of bed and going to school. I bought a muffin for Aurora, because she's worth it. It hasn’t really been a productive day. In English class all we did was bullshit and not take the task seriously. In art we were becoming nostalgic as hell thinking that this is our last art class. In history all we did was listening to some of my classmates’ presentations. We didn't even have to show up for Religion. So much for my last proper day of school. It's weird. It's my last Norwegian class tomorrow and then I go home. On Thursday I'll get to know what Oral exam I'm supposed to have. Then the exam is on the 14th of June. After that. No. More. High School. Ever. I should be happy. This is what I've been waiting 13 years for, but it just feels a bit empty and weird. Kind of sad and kind of good too.

We're just not in the mood for happy pictures.


  1. Du er AMAZING! (baziiiiingahh) <3
    Jeg elsker deg og syntes du egenentlig lukter ganske godt =D

  2. RE: Pernillus, jeg vet du klarer bedre enn to, du er nydelig, sjarmerende og kjempe flink, så slå på smilet og ta det med ro, blir det ikke 4 så blir det 5. og blir det ikke 5? vel da blir det 6! =D i just feel it !


- keep on rockin'