Today mum, dad, my little brother and I went downtown. I'm one of the lucky ones; I could go down there with my family. On the way down we walked past a lot of broken windows. For the first time in my life I saw armed police and military in the streets of Oslo. I know that it's supposed to give a sense of protection and safety, but I've never felt more small and vulnerable. We lid a candle each. People were standing around us crying and I couldn’t hold my tears back either. A huge part of Oslo was sealed off because of the glass. We went to Oslo domkirke because that’s where everybody is meeting up to show their respect. Outside of the church there were hundreds of flowers, candles, letters and messages to those who have been hurt, are missing, lost their life or those who have lost a loved one. Inside of the church it there were loads of people sitting on the benches crying and praying. I’m not catholic, I’m not Christian either, but what religion you believe in or if you even believe in anything at all didn’t matter. People just needed a place to get together and to share their love and emotions and Oslo domkirke was that place. Bano’s sister is safe and at home with her family and we’re all hoping and praying for the same good news about Bano soon.