Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

I have to say this. I suck at blogging. I know its 13 days since the last time I updated the blog and it makes me feel so bad. I'll start with a summary of what has happened since last time I updated my blog. At New Years Eve we went to my neighbour’s house for tea and spent most of the night there. Since my mom was working the night shift I had to say goodbye to her there and that crushed my heart. I was also really sick and that kind of didn’t help on my mood. We left quite early and watched the fireworks from our veranda at 12 o clock. After that I had to pack and go to sleep. I had to get up at 6 in the morning and said goodbye to Silje and them Dad and Tobias drove me up to the airport. I got on the flight and it was me and 23 other people on the whole plane. It was awesome having a whole row to myself. I kind of needed that after all that Christmas food. Getting home to Edinburgh was good. I didn’t expect to miss Connor that much, but I guess it was the Christmas spirit that tried to pull me back to Edinburgh. I spent the rest of the time at Connor's parent’s house. It was awesome staying there and just completely relax. On the second of January we went to visit Connor's aunt Jo. It's weird being at that stage of the relationship where it's natural that you go to the family parties and stuff, but it's also very nice. Apart from that we have just been chilling to the max. James came over and we went out for some drinks before I went back to Stirling the 8th. It was weird being back in halls but it only took half a second before it felt like I had never left in the first place. Now I'm back in Edinburgh in Connors flat waiting for it to be 5 o clock and Connors dad picking us up. I found out where my placement is and I'm looking forward to my 9 weeks at ward b23: Orthopaedics at Forth Valley this semester!

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- keep on rockin'