Sunday, April 14, 2013

I walk the line

Yesterday was such a beautiful day. I woke up after about 12 hours sleep (which I needed badly). After placement on Friday I went home and picked up my stuff then hurried down to the train station. I arrived the moment my train left. It is safe to say I was not a happy bunny. Luckily the trains between Stirling and Edinburgh goes every 30 minutes on weekdays; or else I just might have had a break down. Placement is great fun, but being on my feet all day really is tiring. When I finally arrived in Edinburgh it was 45 minutes until my train to Musselburgh arrived. I had my bike with me so I couldn't get the bus. After moaning to Connor for a bit him and his mum picked me up from the train station in Musselburgh. I do love how well looked after I am whenever I'm here. After a shower and some food I fell asleep on the sofa while watching the Hobbit with Connor and Lee. I think 'dead to the world' might be the only way to describe my conscious state at the time. So anyways, the next morning the sun was out and I decided to go for a walk. Musselburgh has a beautiful beach that goes all the way to Protobello. I left my trainers in Stirling so I only had my pretty but uncomfortable shoes with me. My short walk turned into a 3 hour long wander down Musselburgh beach and all the way to the end of Portobello beach and then back again. It was beautiful, warm and sunny. When I got to Portobello I bought myself an ice cream just because it was that lovely. The beach was filled with families going for walks and playing in the sand. I love how Britain comes to life the moment the sun is out <3That being said, it did start to cloud over on the way home again (but it wouldn't be Scotland if it hadn't) .

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- keep on rockin'