Friday, May 27, 2011

Hello, phone!

After 3 months without a phone, I finally got my simcards back and WOW what a wonderful feeling. I was expecting a few texts after all those months. But I forgot that text that's not opened within a week gets deleted. Yeah, all i got was the text that I've gotten the last week. That sucked. I was hoping for a thousand texts and a million lost calls. Aurora, Sabine, Nora, Elen, Mariam and me went to Burger King to celebrate during lunch. After lunch I just went home. I just couldn’t be arsed going to my Norwegian class after I had my exam in that subject. I can still have an oral exam, but I'm crossing my finger that I'll get English for my oral exam instead. Religion would be fine too.

 Elen and Mariam having a laugh
 For some reason Aurora doesn’t like ketchup on her fingers
 Texts starts rolling in
 I've missed you, my dear

1 comment:

  1. Haha elsket bilde av meg =D EPIC!! and i was like.. ******!


- keep on rockin'