Monday, May 23, 2011


Hi, welcome to my blog. I have been blogging at for the last two years, so it felt like it was time for a change. I’ve had quite a few blogs in my life, but most of them have been deleted (it’s not funny to have the blog posts you wrote when you were 14 online for everybody to see). I've also decided to start blogging in English. There are quite a few reasons for that. Well, the main reason is that Google translate fucks up what I've written and therefore it’s better just to write it in English so that everybody will be able to read it and not just look at the photos (it's mostly for my Scottish friends, really). So (!) this post is more or less just here to welcome you to my new blog!

Have fun

 ( PS: if you want to read some of my old blogposts just drop by my old blog )


  1. ÆÆÆ =D Jeg har planer om å starte med engelsken veeeldig snart.. men slasker med norsk litt til før jeg går løs =P taha

  2. SV : Tihi =D gleder meg til å lese mer av den derpa engelsken diiiin =D


- keep on rockin'