Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Take me out

Finally the episode of Take Me Out where Nora and I were part of the audience is here. In Norwegian the show is called Dagens Mann and it translates to Man of the day. I'm quite happy that you can barely see us once or twice during the show, since the times you actually see my face I want to die. If you want to see the episode the link is -here- and you can read the post from when I was there -here-

Yesterday some of the girls from my floor went down to watch Scary movie. After laughing our ass of for an hour and a half we all ran upstairs to get our blankets and pyjamas so that we could sleep in the TV room. I backed out at 12:30 and decided that my bed is more comfortable than the chairs or the floor. I think it was a good idea since the girls that did sleep over got yelled at by the morning porter. I love university. I’m off until Monday, so I’m going to clean my room, shower and pack to go down to Edinburgh tomorrow. 

1 comment:

- keep on rockin'