Friday, May 25, 2012

A little sunshine in my life

Yesterday I went back to placement after a few lovely days with my cousin Kaja and my high school sweetheart Aurora (well, at least my best friend from there. Hahaha). There are a few days in your life that are just perfect. Sunday was one of those days. I kept on getting texts and pictures from Aurora saying that they were on their way, on the airport and had actually landed in Edinburgh. The day went by quite quick and it didn’t take long before I could throw myself in their arms. Connors parents insisted that we stayed at their house. So not only was I going to spend time with Kaja and Aurora I got some boyfriend time squeezed in on my timetable as well. Sunday was also Daniel’s birthday, so after some screaming and chatting we went to a restaurant in Musselburgh. After a lovely Indian meal we dropped by Tesco and bought some rubbish.

The next day we went shopping in Edinburgh. It took us ages to get ready and leave the house, but then again what do you expect from 3 girls. We started the day with a lovely Starbucks. I forgot about my diet while they were here so I had a muffin and a frappuccino. 3 pairs of shoes and a few hours later we sat down in princes street gardens and waited for Connor. We had such a good day and took loads of photos. When the shadows came creeping we went to Jimmy Chungs and waited in there. When Connor arrived we were already on round number two. The Chinese food was just too good to wait on. 

On Tuesday we once again went shopping. We spent ages in Primark. I got myself some new underwear and a few new tops. I took the girls to Mary Kings Close. Even though I’ve been once before with Tobias I still found it interesting. We had our tea in TGI Fridays before going home for a cup of tea and chatting. We sat up for ages talking about everything between heaven and earth while Aurora did my nails. Some of the topics were a bit painful to go near but also good in a way, and some were lovely childhood memories. I still find it weird that Aurora and Kaja are such good friends. I realized just how weird it was once I was speaking about family things and Aurora had no idea what I was talking about and then high school stuff and Kaja only really understood what she had already been told by Aurora. Most of all it was weird to hang out with people from two different “parts” of my life in another “part” of my life. The family part; the Norwegian high school part; and the Scotland part. I spent some time talking to Connor once I went to bed as well. It was a lot of stuff on my mind. 

Then on Wednesday we walked along Musselburgh beach and I also took them up to the old graveyard to show them the view. A lunch at Costa was of course also required. I had had such a great time having them over, so dropping them off at the train station was quite hard. Luckily it’s only 7 or 8 weeks until I go home and I’ll see them both again. I spent the night at Connors house before going to placement. 

Yesterday was such a warm day and I am really sunburned on my shoulders today. I also managed to get all the way into the train station before I realized that my bank card was not in my wallet. So I had to go all the way back to halls and get it, and then go all the way back to the train station. I was about an hour late this morning. Luckily I have quite an understanding placement who told me it was fine as long as I made up my hours some other day =)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Congratulations on not dying !

Tomorrow, Connor turns 20 and it will also be two years since we started going out. So tomorrow we're celebrating with drinks and cake. Or mentally I will. Connor has his exams spread out over this week and the next and I have a week filled with lectures and next week I start my placement. So our awesome “cake and drinks” party has to wait for a while. It's been two awesome years with my man and there are many more to come! Sometime soon we'll go on our first holiday together (if you don't count the times he's been in Norway or I've gone to Edinburgh). We're going to London and I am very much excited. There is not much more to say apart from Happy Birthday Connor, I love you and good luck on your exams! 

"Birthdays are kind of funny in a way that we get presents for basically not dying for a year.."