Thursday, February 16, 2012


It's been a long time since I felt like this. I'm truly happy. I'm usually not a very depressed girl but the last year there has always been something hanging over me, just a little stress to make me not being able to fully relax and enjoy myself. I always have something to look forwards to. That's usually me lovely weekends in Edinburgh, but I always have the thought in the back of my head that I need to go back to Stirling and to all the hard work with school. Not that I don't love Stirling and the course I'm doing, but it is very stressful. Yesterday was one of those days that I just woke up and though nothing will ruin this day. I had had a good night sleep and felt wonderful. Things only got better once I opened the window and felt a warm wind hitting my face. The sun was shining and I just could not feel a single worry in my whole body. My placement is going great, I have a beautiful flat to move into in May, and spring is finally here. I had a meeting with Bank of Scotland so that I could finally set up an account there. Because the day was so lovely I decided to walk into town. It's only about an hour walk and I was lucky enough to have Chris joining me. After setting up my account we went shopping. I found so many lovely things and I probably spent a bit too much money, but who cares. You only live once and happy days like these don't come around often enough. It's the good feeling that can only come after several months of winter and cold winds.

"Yes. Nearly everybody gets twitterpated in the springtime. For example: You're walking along, minding your own business. You're looking neither to the left, nor to the right, when all of a sudden you run smack into a pretty face. Woo-woo! You begin to get weak in the knees. Your head's in a whirl. And then you feel light as a feather, and before you know it, you're walking on air. And then you know what? You're knocked for a loop, and you completely lose your head!" Friend Owl from Bambi

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy valentines day

Since my placement is awesome, they let me work on valentines so I didn't have to spend the day with my boyfriend having a romantic night out and then being forced to fall asleep in his arms (I'm not sure if people can read my sarcasm so I'm making sure that you get how much it sucked in here). I worked a standard 12.5 hour shift wiping arses and cleaning up sick. Good times. Luckily Connor did take me out to Caprice on Saturday to celebrate valentines then. I had the most awesome pizza ever and guess what! He even trimmed his beard!
When we got home it was Oreo cake time. I did take a photo of the cake, but it kinda sucked. The cake however gave me a mouthgazm like no other. On Monday Ciaran, Ciara and I paid the deposit for our new beautiful flat! Words can not describe my excitement for moving in there. I do think I'll miss halls a bit. When I looked out the window today for example and saw spring weather, sun and opened the window and didn't freeze to death. Now I'm on my way uptown. I have decided to walk since the weather is so lovely and I'll try (no promises) to blog more often

Monday, February 6, 2012


Again it feels like ages since I've written anything on here. Well, this time I kind of have an excuse. 3 12.5 hour shifts in a row. Don't have an excuse for not writing anything before that apart from severe laziness. I was chilling at Connor's flat in Edinburgh until the Wednesday before reality slapped me hard in the face and made me get out of bed and do some work. I dragged myself all the way back to Stirling and cleaned my room. We're not just talking about the simple picking up a jumper or two from the floor. This was the real deal. I was hoovering, doing the laundry, dusting, organizing and even ironing! When I finally was done it was bedtime. I've been going to bed at about 9o'clock everyday that I've been working. I was forced to throw my 10o'clock policy out the window to get enough sleep. Getting up at 4:45 is really draining. I'm not complaining though (ok, maybe a little), my placement is a lot of fun and I really feel that I've learned a lot in the few days I've been there. It's all on again tomorrow with another 12.5 hour shift then I'm off until Friday again. Because of the way I worked I could not go down to Edinburgh this weekend and man it's been rough. I'm so used to going that when I had to stay here in halls I felt like everything was wrong and I had no track of what day it was at all. I'll tell you more about placement another time. Today I took the bus uptown and did some serious shopping. I dropped by my favourite stores in the Thistle centre before walking along the riverside and ending up in Tesco where I bought far to much food for this week. I had to drag all those bags onto the bus and home where Charissa met me with a big hug. She had had a long day so let her have a nap on my bed while I was cooking for the both of us. Now it's shower time before a long day at work tomorrow!
 Ready for my first day of placement at ward B23 (orthopaedics) early in the morning