Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It's a McGuinness kind of Christmas

Unfortunately I only took one photo during Christmas dinner with the McGuinness family and it didn't turn out that nice, but here we go!
Lee made the most amazing dinner and I got such wonderful gifts! At the moment Connor and I are in Norway, so I'll update yous about that once I get home =)

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Lana's bithday(s)

So not only did I go out for Lana's birthday on the 17th in Stirling. I also went out for her birthday on the 22nd in Edinburgh. So here are some photos of her Edinburgh night out

Christmas with the McGuinness family

This year Connor and I are spending Christmas with his family here in Musselburgh. It's very strange being away from my family at a time like this, even though Christmas isn't that big of a deal in my family. Not only that it's, the 24th and I have to wait an extra day to open my presents! What kind of vicious sadistic country even is this! Hmpf.
I'm really struggling to get that christmas feeling. It's not really shocking, I almost always find christmas to be an anticlimax when it finally arrives. Maybe I'd feel more "Christmasy" if there was actually snow and not rain outside. Connor's mum (aka the Christmas Nazi) is doing a fantastic job around the house though. We have not only one:
Not only two:
But three Christmas trees:
So it's definitely not for the lack of trying that I'm not feeling the holiday spirit. Maybe it will appear tomorrow when the British celebrate it. I am definitely looking forward to that!
God Jul!