Saturday, May 25, 2013

Parisian love - day 2

On our second day in Paris we spent the morning/afternoon in the Louvre. Most people know the Louvre is huge, but my brain still can't comprehend how much history and art you can squeeze into one building. Not that they actually have to squeeze because the building is HUGE. Connor and I spent around 4 hours in there and we barely even saw anything in there. What we did see was the Egyptian section:
There was so many treasures and fascinating things to see that my little head just went numb from it all by the end of the day.
The Roman section:

The roman section we hardly spent any time in at all. Or maybe we did? This is the problem with writing the blog-post 2 weeks after we have been there. Wops. I found the roman part a lot more fascinating than the Egyptian part. That might have something to do with the face that we have all seen Egyptian exhibitions before. I don't really know. I loved all the beautiful statues. Quite embarrassing but I cannot remember the mane of the first statue but the second and third one is Venus de Milo and Winged Victory of Samothrace
Then we came over to the rooms with all the pained ceilings.  I was truly amazed by those rooms. My neck started to hurt after a while due to me staring up all the time. I took so many pictures of this and I could honestly not choose a favorite one. I was blown away by all of them 
At the end of it all we went to see Mona Lisa, wedding feast at cana, and the young martyr. We were exhausted by this point and went back to the hotel for a nap. 
At night we went Pont des Arts and hung up our love lock. Then we went to a lovely restaurant near Seine and sat there hour hours drinking wine and talking. Before we went home we wandered a bit and took a few late night pictures.
It was all very romantic.

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- keep on rockin'