Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Working class hero

Yesterday the nurses of AKD went out clubbing to celebrate handing in a terrible essay that made most of us want to jump out the window. I'm not going to spend any more time thinking about that essay, so I'd much rather speak about my night out. After staying up until 5am finishing my essay then being stuck in uni until 5pm it was definitely time for a party to loosen up. We had such a good night out. My alcohol intake was not over the top something that made the night awesome and today's day in lectures bearable.
I've also gotten my first shifts at the orthopaedics ward in Forth Valley. I'm working Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 7:30 to 20:00. This more or less means a weeks holiday from tomorrow. 12 hour shifts will be hard work, but hopefully interesting and educational.