Sunday, April 28, 2013


Not much has happened since last time. I only have one weeks of placement left to go then I am over and done with semester five. It's only ten days until Connor and I go to Paris and 34 days until we move into our flat! I have so many reasons to be happy right now and I truly am enjoying every second of life. Yesterday I got up at 6am to get a lift from Stephanie into Edinburgh. I wasn't supposed to be going to Edinburgh this weekend at all due to Connor's exams, but I needed him to sign the contract for the flat so hey ho there we go.
I got to Connor's house really early, luckily he was already awake. It would not have been fun sitting downstairs for a couple of hours waiting for the rest of the house to wake up. Once I got to Connors room he handed over a packet with the two Bioshock Infinite necklaces we've been waiting on. I couldn't decide on which one I wanted, so Connor bought me both! (Yes, so maybe I'm a little spoiled). At night we had Jambalaya that Connor's mum made. It was awesome, but oh my lord I felt full for ages and ages afterwards. After dinner Connor, Jack and I went to the Omni center and saw Iron Man 3. It was a good film, but like expected it could not be compared to the first one at all. I woke up to a sunny day that quickly turned into a rainy one, but it changed it's mind several times and was sunny the first minute and rainy the next. Stephanie came through to Musselburgh and picked me up to drive back to Stirling. Once we got home we had a lovely nap and then went to the cinema to see Evil Dead. The movie was scary and had plenty of scenes where I got quite uncomfortable. It didn't have much of a story line though and when it came to the torture scenes it seemed to only want to be gross and not scary. I felt quite sick afterwards. After the cinema I had a lovely Skype date with Eva and Tanni (and we we're supposed to have Karianne there as well, but she ditched us for her grandma. Shame on you Karianne..). It really makes me happy speaking to my friends even though we're so far away. I really do miss them a lot <3

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- keep on rockin'