Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hey, hey, hey snowflake

On Sunday Lee drove me up to Stirling and the moment we stepped out of the car I felt like Bambi on ice. I has seen the photos of snow on Facebook, but no photo can really show how slippery it is. After Connor scared the shit out of me when he was trying to give me my umbrella back I set up Anubis in my room and life was finally worth living again. I'm really happy that he did that because yesterday I was walking over to the Co-operative in the morning, where I my mentor was supposed to pick me up, and the snow was falling down like crazy. It's a shame that it's so dark in the morning because my cameras flash makes it impossible to see anything but the 4 closest snowflakes. Despite being wrapped up in scarfs, hats and coats it's freezing. The heater in my room is on full but the room is still what feels to me below zero. The week has been entertaining and exhausting with loads of bandages changed and poker faces put on to not show my disgust over some of the things I see. Tomorrow I'm going to a tissue viability class in Falkirk with one of the other students on my placement and I hope that it wont be as boring and tempting to fall asleep as the two previous times.