Monday, May 23, 2011

Stavanger - Russetiden

Well, I left before I could tell about the last adventures as a Russ. I didn't prioritize blogging during the graduation party and well, I don't regret that either. I've been to busy having fun and partying. My last blog post was about the Russ's day at TusenFryd (the amusement park I used to work in during summer). So I guess I should tell all of yous about what I did after that. Well, I went to Landstreffet (country meeting) in Stavanger. There is only really one word to say: wow. After sitting on that damn train for hours and hours my mood had hit the bottom. I wanted to eat some proper food and relax. The worst part was that it was raining when I got off the train. I finally found Sandra after meeting an Englishman on the bus who wondered what the hell the read trousers were all about. I explained all about the graduation party. He told me that he lived close to Kongeparken (where the country meeting is) and that this morning his windows were vibrating and he heard this awful song come on and went something like this "jai kjannar en bått". I just couldn’t stop laughing. Anyways. Sandra and I waited in the queue for ages and ages and after that queue there was another queue. That didn't help on my mood at all. But the music was loud even though we were far away from the actual party. So I can see how it was frustrating for that Englishman. We spent ages on finding the damn camping area but when we first did we got the tent up, threw our belongings in there and then we went to party like true Russ


After some awesome drunken dance moves we met up with Pernille Persen (also called PP since there are two Pernille's in our group. I'm PA, lol), Kjersti, Merete and Michelle. We all decided to go and see loads of bands, but ended up seeing only Kaizers Orchestra that night. I don't mind, because Kaizers are freaking awesome. The funniest part was sandra. To say she was tipsy is an understatement. Anyways, she had walked around the whole night super excited for Kaizers and was all like: Wooooh. Kaizeeeeerrrssssss! But in the concert hall it was crowded and people were pushing. At some point I was moving in the crowd, but my feet wasn’t touching the floor at all. So we moved up, to get away from the most hardcore fans. Seriously, those people have issues. We found some nice stairs to sit on and Sandra just went: Meh, I don't like Kaizers and left with Merete and Michelle. I love how random that girl is. I was there with PP and Kjersti, and we had a great time. The concert was really good and I just love these girls.

We went outside and after some more drunken dance moves Sandra was missing. She said that she needed to go to the tent and get something. However, she just went to sleep. So after half an hour and she still want back I got worried and looked for her. She was sleeping like a baby. A drunken baby, that is. I could barely wake her up and when I finally did she just grunted. It was the middle of the night, so I just went to sleep as well. There was no point of going to party more. I needed to save up some energy to the next day. That failed. Sandra woke up at nine. Totally hung over and ready to bug the hell out of me. We got up, and got ready for another day. Luckily it had stopped raining an hour after we got there the day before so the sun was shining and it was nice and hot outside. We walked around and found Sindre. We hung out with him most of the day as we went to see Pablo Francisco and Postgirobygget. 

After an awesome time we met up with the other girls again. We danced and had an amazingly random and lovely time.  I met lots of people I hadn’t seen in ages and it truly made my day. It's weird to see how much people have grown since primary! Steve Aoki was wild and when I didn’t even dance my body moved because of the base. Epic times. The rest of the night was spent looking for Sandra that once again disappeared. When we finally found her, we were a bit angry, but I was just in the mood to party. After some random time we walked back to the tent. And then we started laughing. And we never really stopped laughing. She just died from my "trrrr" laugh and I just find her witch laugh priceless. We must have been lying there for ages and then all of a sudden some dude fell on my tent. He broke my damn tent! I was so annoyed. My dear tent will never be the same again! When we woke up, it was time to pack and go home. Sandra took the bus and I the train. And well, that was my Landstreffet in Stavanger adventure. However, I'm not sure I've been able to explain just how awesome it was. So here's one more photo of Sandra dancing

1 comment:

  1. så kult! sexy jente! jeg er bi,


- keep on rockin'