Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ielts test

Well, that's that test over with. Phef. I thought it would be much easier to be honest, but in fact it was quite hard. The language part wasn’t hard, but the tempo and the questions were. The speaking test was fine; he just asked me all these random questions about politics, the weather, about my school, future plans and stuff like that. The reading test was also ok, you got a text and then you had to answer questions about it. The listening part was messed up; there was not enough time to answer one question before she had started to talk about the next one so I'm worried about that. The writing part was also weird; it was two parts and the first one I had to describe a series of statistics and the second part I had to write an essay on how true the quote "one giant step for mankind" really was. Like was it a big step or not, if I agreed or disagreed and has it in fact made an impact on our life down here. I guess I'll know how well I did when I get the results in two weeks.

I had the speaking test on Friday and the writing, listening and reading part yesterday. After the listening test I had to drop by the post office to pick up a package from Stirling. It was a welcome letter and info about the university, the campus and the course I'm doing. They also reminded me that I still need to hand in a bit of paperwork and pass the ielts test. I've gotten a log in to Stirling’s portal so that I can apply for accommodation and check my own university e mail. I'm getting really excited about going and I hope that I'll pass the ielts test, because that's the only thing standing in my way

After an almost sleepless night it's nice to chill on the sofa with the rain pouring down outside. I love lazy Sundays

1 comment:

  1. Du kommer til å klare den med glans siden du er så sykt flink i engelsk!! :D<3

    - Stine


- keep on rockin'